Did you always want to have a dinner with a Governor? Well on April 10th you are can! Former Gov. Martin Schreiber will be the guest speaker for the Medical Center Foundation of Hartford’s Annual Dinner. Schreiber will share his incredible journey of caring for his wife, Elaine who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Learn how he used humor and laughter to connect and to grow in his knowledge of the disease and love for his dear wife, Elaine. Be ready to be entertained and educated about dementia. Learn how Schreiber adapted to the changes that were happening to the love of his life. There will be tears and there will be many revelations of facts and truths that will help prepare you in your family’s or friend’s journey of Alzheimer’s disease. Copies of his book, My Two Elaines, will be available for purchase so get yours autographed.

The MCF of Hartford continues to look for ways to contribute to the health and the vitality of the community. This Annual Dinner is your opportunity to learn about and to support the growing need for our services and programs that benefit community members. See you April 10th at the Hartford Golf Club. Tickets are $30 each. https://www.mcfhartford.org/annual-dinner-registration/